====== Public area of the FeM-Wiki ====== Welcome to the public area of the documentation wiki of the Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. - more information about the association can be found at our [[http://www.fem.tu-ilmenau.de|Webseite]]. ([[http://www.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/impressum|Impressum]]) ===== Join in! ===== The FeM e.V. offers a wide range of activities. We are always looking for new people to continue and develop new projects. An impression of open projects and ideas can be found below. * [[en:public:mitmachen:technik|Participate in technology]] * [[public:mitmachen:istuff|Join in with iSTUFF]] ===== Services ===== * [[en:public:dienste:start|Services]] - Overview and instructions ===== Technology ===== * [[en:public:technik:start|Technology]] - Instructions, tips and public information ===== Projects ===== * [[public:projekte:c3:start|C3 Streaming and Recording Setup Documentation]] * [[public:projekte:tooltime:start|Tooltime Tinkering]] ===== Services ===== * [[en:public:webhosting:start|Web hosting information]] * [[en:public:projekte:mailserver:nutzerinfos|Information for mail users]] * [[en:public:femnet:start|Information about FeM-Net]] ===== Other ===== * [[public:sonstiges:festival-essen|Evaluation of festival food]] * [[public:sonstiges:pixelflut|Pixelflood]] * [[public:sonstiges:unterhaltung:spiele:switche_versenken|Sink Switches]] * [[public:sonstiges:unterhaltung:spiele:switche_versenken_alt|* Old version]] * [[public:sonstiges:kb|FeM Knowledge Base]] * [[public:sonstiges:mediacccwatchlist|Good Talks on media.ccc.de]]