====== Using the Thoska for examination registration under Linux ====== * Information from UniRZ (search for Debian/Ubuntu): https://intranet.tu-ilmenau.de/site/unirz/SitePages/TUILM-Thoska.aspx ===== Gentoo ===== This tutorial is based on https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Smart_Cards/ . The following packages are required: * sys-apps/pcsc-lite * app-crypt/ccid ==== Method 1 ==== Now, the data of the respective Debian package from https://intranet.tu-ilmenau.de/site/unirz/Freigegebene%20Dokumente/ITSD/ has to be unpacked. The location is determined by the folder structure within the archive. * Firefox: Under "Preferences -> Advanced -> Security Devices -> Load" enter the path ''/usr/lib/pkcs11/libgtop11dotnet.so'' * service pcscd start * restart Firefox * https://os.tu-ilmenau.de ==== Method 2 ==== Prerequisite: Boost >= 1.57 or apply [[https://github.com/boostorg/serialization/pull/3/commits/e70f330af74e902d4f1b1f4891a34d315cc09963|this]] commit manually. * Install the package **dev-libs/gemalto-dotnetv2-pkcs11** from the fem-overlay. * Firefox: Under "Preferences -> Advanced -> Security Devices -> Load" enter the path ''/usr/lib/pkcs11/libgtop11dotnet.so'' * service pcscd start * restart Firefox * https://os.tu-ilmenau.de ===== Arch Linux and Manjaro ===== In the AUR there is the package [[https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libgtop11dotnet|libgtop11dotnet]]. The setup in Firefox is the same as in Gentoo.