====== Device: Patchpanel L-Br-6d/SM/I-Br ====== * Role: Patchpanel Glas Singlemode * Site: Block L * URL: https://netbox.fem.tu-ilmenau.de/dcim/devices/5/ ===== Networking ===== ^ Front Port ^ Description ^ Patched to ^ Rear Port ^ | Port 1/2 | | Patchpanel L-Br-6d/SM/L-Br-8c / Port 1/2 | Rear / 1 | | Port 3/4 | | l-switch-1 / A21 | Rear / 2 | | Port 5/6 | | l-switch-1 / A22 | Rear / 3 | | Port 7/8 | | | Rear / 4 | | Port 9/10 | | | Rear / 5 | | Port 11/12 | | | Rear / 6 | ^ Rear Port ^ Description ^ Patched to ^ | Rear | | Patchpanel I-Br/SM/L-Br-6d / Rear | ===== Comments ===== zu Haus I