Übung: einen 10 GE Link zwischen 2 Switchen mittels zweier 1 GE Ports auslasten
Wenn man der blinkenden Link-Leuchte am Switch nicht traut, die behauptet einen funktionsfähigen 10 GE-Link anzuzeigen, dann kann man mittels eines Paketbeschleunigers mal testen, ob da wirklich 10GE durch gehen.
Der Trick: 20 VLANs einrichten, per Patchkabel jeweils abwechselend auf einem Switch bridgen und mit den 2 Rechnern in unterschiedlichen VLANs Traffic erzeugen
Rechner 1
ip link set dev eth0 up ip addr add dev eth0
Rechner 2
ip link set dev eth0 up ip addr add dev eth0
Daten empfangen
nc -l -p 1234 > /dev/null
Daten senden
cat /dev/zero | nc 1234
Portauslastung anzeigen
# Usage: -h <ip vom switch> -s <snmp communitystring> -i <interface-nr des 10GE Ports> ./snmp_bandwidth.sh -h -s public -i 25
Ausgabe der Portauslastung
Inbound: 10501 Mbps, Outbound: 10498 Mbps, Speed: 10000 Mbps Inbound: 10452 Mbps, Outbound: 10450 Mbps, Speed: 10000 Mbps
init () { INTNUMBER=$interface OUT=$(snmpget -v2c -c $community_string $hostname ifHCOutOctets.$INTNUMBER | awk '{print $4}') IN=$(snmpget -v2c -c $community_string $hostname ifHCInOctets.$INTNUMBER | awk '{print $4}') #SPEED=$(snmpget -v2c -c $community_string $hostname ifSpeed.$INTNUMBER | awk '{print $4}') SPEED=10000000000 TIME=1 if [ -z "$OUT" ] || [ -z "$IN" ]; then msg="Unable to retrieve SNMP info." state=CRITICAL echo $state $msg exit 2 fi } check () { #wait $TIME before running the same check, this way we can confirm how much the data has changed in two periods. sleep $TIME OUT2=$(snmpget -v2c -c $community_string $hostname ifHCOutOctets.$INTNUMBER | awk '{print $4}') IN2=$(snmpget -v2c -c $community_string $hostname ifHCInOctets.$INTNUMBER | awk '{print $4}') DELTAOUT=$(( $OUT2 - $OUT)) DELTAIN=$(( $IN2 - $IN)) #Value is in octets so will need to be divided by 8 to get bytes, this is then divided by 1024 to give kilobytes. INPUTBW=$(((($DELTAIN)/$TIME)*8)) OUTPUTBW=$(((($DELTAOUT)/$TIME)*8)) #For percentage usage we do 100/(total possible bandwidth – current bandwidth). percentage_use=$(echo "scale=9; $INPUTBW/$SPEED" | bc) PRCNTIN=$(echo "scale=0; 100*$percentage_use" | bc) percentage_use=$(echo "scale=9; $OUTPUTBW/$SPEED" | bc) PRCNTOUT=$(echo "scale=0; 100*$percentage_use" | bc) echo "Inbound: " $((INPUTBW/1000000)) "Mbps ($PRCNTIN% Used), Outbound: " $((OUTPUTBW/1000000)) "Mbps ($PRCNTOUT% Used), Speed: " $(($SPEED/1000000)) "Mbps" IN=$IN2 OUT=$OUT2 } while getopts ":i:s:h:" option do case $option in i)interface=$OPTARG ;; s)community_string=$OPTARG ;; h)hostname=$OPTARG ;; *) echo "Syntax is $usage -h <hostname> -s <snmpstring> -i <interface-nr>" exit 1;; esac done if [ -z "$hostname" ]; then echo "-h) IP address required." exit 1 elif [ -z "$community_string" ]; then echo "-s) snmp string needs to be specified." exit 1 elif [ -z "$interface" ]; then echo "-i) interface number required." exit 1 else init while true do check done fi