Device: Patchpanel B-Br-Keller/MM/D-Br-Keller


Front Port Description Patched to Rear Port
Port 01/02 Patchpanel B-Br-Keller/MM/?? / Port 01/02 Rear / 1
Port 03/04 Rear / 2
Port 05/06 Patchpanel B-Br-Keller/MM/A-Br-Keller / Port 03/04 Rear / 3
Port 07/08 Rear / 4
Port 09/10 (circuit) Termination A: Block B Rear / 5
Port 11/12 Patchpanel B-Br-Keller/MM/A-Br-Keller / Port 01/02 Rear / 6
Port 13/14 Rear / 7
Port 15/16 Rear / 8
Port 17/18 Rear / 9
Port 19/20 Rear / 10
Port 21/22 Rear / 11
Port 23/24 Rear / 12
Rear Port Description Patched to